Παρασκευή 29 Ιουνίου 2007

Greece is on fire!

For more than 48 hours greece is on fire. Fires through out greece burn everything that happens to b on their way.
From thrace to crete there's a fire going on.
In Athens yesterday mount Parnitha was being burnt by an enormous fire which had begun from a rgion many miles away from the top of the mountain called Dervenohoria.

This is the image somebody could see from the mountain late at night. Athens watching the fire burning one of the most important mountains in Greece. The hotel of Mont Parnes and the Cazino where in danger and there has been an evacuation so that nobody was in danger.

Today and with the first light of the day planes tried to take off the fire and in Parnitha it seems that they made it. The fire burnt hundrends of square meters of forest.

Today a big cloud of smoke covers the city of Athens. The damages in nature and economically are enormous and inestimable. It will take a long time till everything returns back to normal if we can say so.

The fire service of Greece was in full force, struggling to extinguish fire in many and different parts of the country. The worst of the fires were in Agia a village near Larissa, in Volos in the region of Pilio, at Diakofto in Ileia prefecture, on the island of Poros. In Poros which is a touristic region tourists were asked to evacuate the hotels they were staying in because of a large blaze which was very difficult to control and nobody was injured.
The fire at Aghia near Larissa is said to have been contained, however, two people were killed, both of them residents of the region. According to the Fire Department, the two victims along with another two residents of the region were assisting in the efforts to put out the fire. Two of them managed to escape but the two victims ran towards a different direction and found a tragic death encircled by flames. The burned bodies were found by firemen at 05:00 in the morning. Strong winds in the region are hampering firefighters efforts to contain the fire. The prefect of Larissa has been declared as a state in emergency

In Pilio, Volos the fire has stoken and firemen are striving to extinguish the blaze. The village of Neohorion is in danger cause fire is quite close to it. Yesteraday some houses were almost "touched" by the fire.

Suspicion of arson

More tan 100 fires broke out in the last 24 hours. Fires in Oinoi (Helias), Ligourio (Argolida), Korino (Pieria), Avlona ( Korinthos), Neorio ( Poros) are under partial control.
In Fotis Kalahanis the Fire Department Mission Commander, in an interview he gave to the radio of Net 105,8, hinted at arsons as tens of fires broke out at the same time. In Mati, Rafina- where a fire broke out but was soon put out- an explosive device was found while a flare was found in Stylida.
The Civil Protection General Secretariat has asked the EU to send 4 fire fighting aircrafts and three helicopters to assist in efforts to contain fires.

5 σχόλια:

Ανώνυμος είπε...

εχεις e-mail;

Grigsgr είπε...

Έλα φίλε μου ναι έχω email.
Θέλεις κάτι; Αν είναι πες το μου απο εδώ.

Ανώνυμος είπε...

το δικο μου e-mail ειναι taz587@yahoo.gr.αν θες στειλε μου ενα ιμειλ.επισης το msn ειναι το ιδιο.

nakupenda είπε...

Σήμερα στου Ζωγράφου έξω από τη Φιλοσοφική "έβρεχε" στάχτη και ο ουρανός ήταν ροζουλί..... Μια φίλη μου που μένει εκεί είπε ότι χτες το βράδυ το φεγγάρι φαινόταν κατακόκκινο!
Η ευαίσθητη φιλόζωη μητέρα μου είδε στις ειδήσεις ένα πλάνο με ένα σκατζόχοιρο να τρέχει μακριά απ'τη φωτιά για τη ζωή του (...) και εγώ αγχώνομαι για το μέλλον αυτής της χώρας.....

Grigsgr είπε...

Αυτό που μπορώ εγώ να πω σε όλο αυτό το σκηνικό που μου περιέγραψες nakupenda είναι πως ο καθένας κάτι πρέπει να κάνει, οπότε κι εσύ καλά κάνεις και ανησυχείς. Έτσι πρέπει. Ο σωστός πολίτης έτσι πρέπει να κάνει...